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Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Ties that Bind (Part Two)

This game is rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given due to strong violence and the use of sexual expletives.
As Javier, a young man determined to find the family taken from him, you meet a young girl who has experienced her own unimaginable loss. Her name is Clementine, and your fates are bound together in a story where every choice you make could be your last.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

18ViolenceBad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • Playstation 3 (18/12/2016)
  • Uitgever

    Skybound Games

Rating issues

Game contains the frequent use of the sexual expletive ‘fuck’ and strong violence which includes the use of garden secateurs to snip off the fingers of a hostage.

Other issues
