This game was rated PEGI 12 for fantasy violence towards humans. Not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.
Shantae is roused from a deep sleep and, suddenly alert, she plunges into the moonlit forest in search of answers. In nearby Scuttle Town she discovers a mysterious trapdoor, and beyond that, a luminous subterranean cavern. A familiar voice calls out, drawing Shantae to a beautiful fountain. Touching its waters, she is immediately spirited away to the fabled Genie Realm. At her feet a magical seal swells as some powerful evil seeks escape. The chamber trembles with a deep, bellowing roar and everything goes white. Shantae sits upright, back in her bed. Was it just a dream? Or a vision of things to come?
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
Beschikbaar op
PlayStation 4 (14/11/2016)
WayForward Technologies, Inc.
Rating issues
Non-realistic violence features frequently as Shantae whips her hair at human, animal and fantasy characters alike. They will be thrown back and explode, fade or disappear, or – in the case of zombies – have their heads lobbed off. Shantae herself faces grenades, guns and swords. When struck, she falls back and becomes transparent, then jumps up once more. When defeated completely, she will disappear in a flash.