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Titanfall 2

This game was rated PEGI 16 for sustained realistic-looking violence towards human-like characters. Not suitable for persons under 16 years old.
First-person shooter. During the single-player, players control Cooper, pilot to Titan BT-7274, as he completes missions for the SRS Militia. In the multiplayer, players can take part in different team-based and individual matches against other pilots and titans.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (28/10/2016)
  • Uitgever

    EA Swiss Sarl

Rating issues

The game features realistic and reasonably bloody violence. Characters are equipped with a variety of different weapons, including pistols, rifles and rocket launchers. Human characters will fall down with a moderate blood effect when they are shot. When playing as a Titan, players can use high-powered weapons to blast human characters apart into blood and generic gibs.