The game was rated PEGI 12 for non-realistic violence towards human characters and the use of mild swearing and offensive language. Not appropriate for persons below 12 years of age.
Arcade Mode: After the discovery of magic, humankind began using it to create weapons, ultimately birthing the biological weapons called GEAR. The GEARs eventually rebelled against their masters. Thus began the Crusades, a 100-year war to determine the fate of the mankind. It is in this place in time that Ramlethal Valentine declared war on the world and all its inhabitants. After confronting Ramlethal and uncovering a sinister plot by a group called the Conclave, Sol Badguy, Ky Kiske and the others have to deal with the fallout of this event.
Story Mode: The fully animated story mode focuses on the events following Ramlethal Valentine’s declaration of war on the world and the battle against the Conclave.