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This game was rated PEGI 12 for non-realistic violence towards human characters. Not appropriate for persons below the age of 12.
Imperial control over Terra is broken and Locke promises to protect her until she regains her memories. They join the Returners; a group of militants opposing the Empire and attempt to restore the balance of magic upset by the Emperor and his General.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (26/11/2015)
  • Uitgever

    Square Enix Ltd

Rating issues

Game features the use of ‘active time battles’ in which characters take turns to strike an opponent with either a sword, spear, magic and/or potions. Despite the large variance of items that can be used in combat, the effects are all vaguely similar, in some cases the character hit will briefly flash and provided that the hit point value is sufficient the character will disappear. The violence is non-realistic looking.