This game was rated PEGI 12 for frequent use of mild language. It is not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.
5 games in one:
Fibbage 2.0 – More Fibbage! Lie to your friends, avoid their lies, and spot the truth.
Quiplash XL – The laugh-a-minute battle of wits and wittiness in its HUGEST form! Come up with “the best name to give an ugly baby” and win!
Bomb Corp – Welcome to Bomb Corp. Interns of your kind must help defuse bombs in our office. It’s a weird office full of bombs. Just hit start.
Bidiots – Outbid your opponents for absurd art – drawn by the players themselves – and win this strangely competitive auction game. Don’t be a bidiot!
Earwax – Cow moo? Huge explosion? Or tiny fart? Which to choose? It’s the sound effects game that will leave you up to your ears in laughter!