Rating issues
This game contains depictions of non-realistic looking violence towards human-like characters. During combat, health bars are seen above character’s heads. As characters are hit, a flash of light is seen, and the health bar decreases. Upon death, characters fall to the ground and remain there. No blood or injury is present throughout combat at all. During combat, fantasy characters react in a similar fashion to humans when hit.
This game contains bad language including ‘shit’, ‘piss’ and ‘bastard’.
Other issues
One of the rooms that the player can build into their dungeon is a tavern. In here, the player is able to add different kinds of bars which minions can get beers from. Although minions are seen drinking from steins, alcohol is not an active or prominent part of gameplay, and the player cannot consume or partake in this.
This game contains characters such as vampires and goblins, whose designs may be scary to young children. During the building of rooms, the player is able to choose from a variety of furniture. One of these pieces is a “fountain of blood”. This fountain isn’t particularly graphic and cannot be interacted with once placed; it is purely a decorative item.