Rating issues
This game features depictions of strong, realistic-looking violence towards human characters. During cutscenes, the player sees characters injured through a first-person perspective (e.g. a man is impaled). He is heard choking and large amounts of blood are seen around the wound. Another clip shows a cutscene where a man is being hit in a first-person perspective. Upon each hit, the wound on the man’s face becomes more graphic. There is a moment in the game in which the mind of the protagonist is taken over by a demon. This causes the protagonist (in a first-person perspective) to cut and stab at their own arm with a scalpel. A wound and blood are visible here; although it does turn out that this was all a hallucination.
At points in the game, the player finds themselves in a drug den and is instructed to collect items that would be used to consume heroin. The next shot shows the protagonist lying on a mattress on the ground. Use of the drug is implied.
The funeral home in this game is haunted, meaning that jump scares occur frequently. Some of these moments see the player chased by demonic figures which creates a sense of dread.
This game contains the use of strong language including ‘fuck’ and it’s derivatives. Milder bad language is also present including ‘shit’, ‘bitch’ and ‘slut’.
Other issues
This game also features depictions of nudity in a non-sexual context. When the player interacts with corpses, the bodies will be seen with very little clothing. Male corpses are topless, but genitals are covered by underwear. Female corpses will be seen in underwear with breasts covered.