Rating issues
This game features strong violence. Violence occurs both during turn-based battles between humans and Salutors, and during cinematic sequences. There are realistic physical reactions to being shot, stabbed, or punched. Blood is shown but wound details are minimal, although dead bodies are seen throughout.
The game also includes use of strong language (‘fuck’, ‘motherfucker’, ‘cunt’) and discriminatory terms, including ‘cripple’ and ‘homo’, as well as milder terms, including ‘shit’, ‘piss’, ‘pussy’, ‘dick’ and ‘whore’.
Other issues
The game also includes scenes in which characters drink and smoke, although this is not a prominent aspect of gameplay. Illegal drugs are referenced but their use is not depicted.
Suicide is implied or suggested but not visually depicted.
Gambling on a non-obligatory bare-knuckle fight is possible, but results in the player winning nothing.
There are some sexual references, notably when the player’s character visits a brothel to question staff.