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The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II

This game has received a PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. This rating has been given because it features violence against vulnerable and defenceless characters.
Sequel to the JRPG that sees players return to the Republic of Calvard and unravel the mystery of the crimson beat.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 5 (14/02/2025)
    • PlayStation 4 (14/02/2025)
    • Nintendo Switch (14/02/2025)
  • Uitgever

    NIS America, Inc

Rating issues

This game contains depictions of violence towards vulnerable and defenceless characters. One scene shows a young girl being held hostage, with her hands tied behind her back, before she is shot and killed. The camera cuts away before the shot is heard; the camera then returns to show the characters on the floor, covered in blood. There are scenes of strong, realistic violence towards human characters. One such instance depicts a character’s silhouette as they are impaled. The character is then seen falling onto the floor and spluttering, before dying in a pool of blood. Combat is largely unrealistic, with fights mainly being against fantasy monsters. There are bright flashes of light and damage numbers, as well as health bars above enemies’ heads. When the player characters are hit, they will grunt and recoil, and their health bars will similarly deplete. No blood or gore is seen during this.

Other issues

This game also contains bad language including ‘bastard’, ‘shit’, ‘piss’ and ‘dick’.

This game contains mature themes throughout, such as child abuse, prostitution and drugs. Though players cannot interact with any of these elements, dialogue and story narratives refer to them frequently.

Players can purchase alcohol, but only to use in cooking recipes. There are also “candy cigarettes” that are consumable for HP, but these only refer to the shape of the candy being akin to a cigarette, and are not actual tobacco products. The player character is never seen consuming illicit substances.