Rating issues
This game features strong and realistic violence in which human characters are attacked using medieval weapons, such as swords and crossbows. Strikes result in blood effects and grunts of pain, as well as a reduction in health bars. When characters are defeated, they fall to the ground.
The game also features use of strong language (‘fuck’), as well as milder terms including ‘piss’, ‘shit’, ‘bastard’ and ‘arsehole’.
The player’s character has the option to drink alcohol and smoke “Brugleweed reefers”. These are depicted with animations. The use of alcohol rewards the player’s character with a points boost, while the smoking of the ‘weed’ has a relaxing effect There are also reference to dealing and smuggling this ‘weed’.
Other issues
The game also features some sexual innuendo, with side quests revolving around a brothel. It is possible to procure a prostitute, which enables progress, although no sexual activity is shown.