This game is rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given due to frequent scenes of strong violence, violence against vulnerable and defenceless characters. and use of strong language.
Top down survival horror set in the late 1980’s Soviet Eastern Bloc. You are hunkered down in your house in the middle of a dark and impenetrable wood, where the trees aren’t the only things that are alive. During the day you must forage for supplies, bringing back as much as you can before night. As darkness falls, you must fortify your barricades and defend your home from attack from the plague-ridden inhabitants of the mysterious woods.
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
Beschikbaar op
PlayStation 4 (23/06/2019)
Stadia (31/08/2021)
Crunching Koalas Sp. z o.o.
Rating issues
Violent scenes include ‘The Stranger’ being tied to a chair and tortured for information by ‘The Doctor’, who beats him repeatedly until the chair breaks and he is knocked unconscious. ‘The Stranger’ is able to murder most other characters at random, including a vulnerable, elderly lady, and a defenceless, man who is on his knees, begging for you to leave him alone. Blood and some injuries are shown on the corpses that litter the woodland, with some able to split themselves into pieces and transform into horrific monsters.
Strong language including the word ‘fuck’ and its derivatives can be heard throughout the game.