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This game has received a PEGI 12 because it features moderate violence, realistic violence of a minor nature towards human characters and use of offensive language. Not suitable for persons under 12 of age.
An action-RPG in which players will explore the world as a mysterious Watcher named Kagachi, duty-bound to sever the bonds that tie the Lost to this world. With Kagachi’s guidance, these wandering souls in the world of the Beyond can continue the cyclical process of reincarnation over again.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

12ViolenceBad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (22/08/2019)
    • PC (22/08/2019)
    • Nintendo Switch (22/08/2019)
  • Uitgever

    Square Enix Ltd

Rating issues

The violence depicted is non-realistic looking, when hit by a weapon a character’s health gauge will be depleted by an amount, this is accompanied by a flash of light and a number signifying the amount of damage caused. When a character’s health gauge is depleted it will disappear. Should the player’s character succumb to the violence it will collapse to the floor and then disappear from view.

Other issues

Characters can be killed by the ‘Watcher’ in a ritual execution if they wish to be reunited with a relative that has died. The moments leading up to the event are seen, but the actual execution is not seen.