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We. The Revolution

This game has received a PEGI 12 because it features scenes of a horrific nature that younger players may find disturbing. Not suitable for persons under 12 of age.
As a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, preside over complicated cases of ordinary citizens, dangerous criminals, and enemies of the revolution in revolutionary Paris. Make judgments, plot political intrigue, and try to not lose your own head!


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (13/06/2019)
  • Uitgever

    Klabater S.A.

Rating issues

The still image cut scenes in the game depict events that occur following the trial of an accused person, this will invariably show the lead up to and the aftermath of a beheading using a guillotine. The manner of the execution is dramatized by the raising of the blade which is dripping with blood. Other events shown include the aftermath of the Paris massacre.

Other issues

As this game is concerned with the process of hearing evidence in a court room situation, it does deal with other alleged crimes one of which is an allegation of rape. The commentary in the trial deals with ‘factual’ events, and descriptions pertaining to the allegation of rape are presented evidentially and not in a sexualised manner.