This game has been rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY. This rating has been given due to strong violence, violence towards the vulnerable and defenceless and the use of sexual expletives. Not suitable for persons below 18 years of age.
Following Shinnok’s defeat at the hands of Cassie Cage in Mortal Kombat X, a corrupted Raiden plans to protect Earthrealm by destroying all its enemies, but a mysterious woman named Kronika, known as “The Keeper of Time”, is attempting to bring order to the universe through any means necessary, including getting rid of Raiden for tampering with the events of the past, as seen in the previous game.
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
Beschikbaar op
PlayStation 4 (23/04/2019)
Xbox One (23/04/2019)
PC (23/04/2019)
Nintendo Switch (23/04/2019)
Stadia (05/11/2019)
PlayStation 5 (17/11/2020)
Xbox Series X|S (17/11/2020)
Warner Brothers Entertainment UK Ltd
Rating issues
This game features frequent gross violence. Most gruesome are the ‘brutality’ and ‘fatality’ moves which players may perform on their weakened opponents. Almost all of these moves involve decapitation, dismemberment or bisection. Otherwise, characters may have their jaws kicked off, their heads ripped open, be chemically burned or impaled. The injuries sustained in these moves can be incredibly detailed, featuring clear and gory images of characters’ internal organs. The game also shows these injuries in X-ray vision, as skulls and spines are broken, or daggers plunged into eyes and ears.
There are also instances of violence against vulnerable and defenceless persons, in which restrained characters are attacked and/or decapitated.
The game contains use of the word ‘fuck’.
Other issues
Smoking is presented in-game as a neutral activity.
This game offers in-game items which may be purchased by the player using real-world money.