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Another Sight

This game has been rated PEGI 7 for depictions of implied violence to humans, and depictions of non-realistic violence of a minor nature. Not suitable for persons under 7 years of age.
ANOTHER SIGHT is a fantasy adventure with steampunk elements set in London in 1899, towards the end of the Victorian era. The game focuses on the relationship between its two protagonists, Kit, an intrepid teenager, and Hodge – a mysterious red-furred cat.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (29/05/2019)
    • PlayStation 4 (29/05/2019)
    • Nintendo Switch (29/05/2019)
  • Uitgever

    Iridium Media Group GmbH

Rating issues

This game contains depictions of implied violence to humans. Throughout the game the player character can be killed in multiple ways, such as falling from a great height, or being crushed by a large piston. None of the reactions to this violence are ever shown as the screen fades to black and the violence itself happens off screen. The player can sometimes hear the player character scream as the screen fades to black, however the character is immediately revived and placed at the nearest checkpoint. This game also contains depictions of non-realistic violence of a minor nature towards human-like characters. The most pertinent example of this is if the player character steps onto an electrocuted plate, it causes their character’s hair to stand on end, and for them to let out a small scream before the screen fades to black.