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Dangerous Driving

This game has received a PEGI 7 because it contains violence against humans that is not shown but is implied. Not suitable for persons below 7 years of age.
Dangerous Driving puts aggression back into the racing genre. There is only one way to drive – Dangerously.
There is only one way to win – Takedown anything that tries to get between you and the finish line.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (09/04/2019)
  • Uitgever

    Three Fields Entertainment Limited

Rating issues

The game encourages the player to make giant crashes. The graphics are realistic and so are the crashes and the effects caused by these crashes. The effects can range from normal car crashes to huge explosions and chain collisions. Some cars have regular see-through windows and it’s clear that these cars don’t have humans in them. However, during the high-speed gameplay, this is not always visible. Some cars have tinted windows. Due to the fact that it’s not clear that humans are featured in these cars, the intensity of the gameplay and the realistic effects that are a result of the crashes, these deliberate accidents are classified as implied violence.

Other issues
