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God’s Trigger

This game has received a PEGI 16 because it features frequent scenes of bloody violence in an arcade setting, moderate violence and use of strong language. Not appropriate for persons below 16 years of age.
Harry, a soldier of Heaven, and Judy, an escapee from Hell, have to work together to kill the Four Horsemen and stop the Apocalypse.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

16ViolenceBad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (31/03/2019)
    • Xbox One (31/03/2019)
    • PlayStation 4 (31/03/2019)
  • Uitgever

    Techland S.A.

Rating issues

Top down shooter, in which all gameplay is seen at a distance, the characters are small and not clearly detailed, and therefore the impact of the violence is somewhat lessened, it is however still very bloody. Combat can be a frenetic event, with rapid character movements required to avoid damage, all hits regardless of the weapon used will cause enormous amounts of blood splatter and very occasionally after being hit, a character will be seen lying on the floor in a pool of blood minus an arm, leg or head. The missing appendage is seen as an indistinct shape nearby. The violence is not regarded as gross due to the unrealistic manner in which the damaged is caused.

Other issues

Throughout the game the player can acquire ‘collectibles’ one of which is a series of magazines that show real photographs of scantily dressed women. None are nude, but some are seen in alluring postures.