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Onimusha: Warlords

This game has been rated PEGI 16 for sustained depictions of death and injury, depictions of realistic looking violence towards human-like characters, and depictions of gross violence towards fantasy characters. Not suitable for persons under 16 years of age.
ONIMUSHA: WARLORDS is an action adventure game set in the Japanese Sengoku period. The player controls the protagonist Samanosuke, a wandering samurai, and his friend Kaede, a ninja, as they fight the evil Genma demons and attempt to rescue the Princess Yuki from their clutches.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (15/01/2019)
    • Xbox One (15/01/2019)
    • PC (15/01/2019)
    • Nintendo Switch (15/01/2019)
  • Uitgever

    CE Europe Ltd.

Rating issues

This game contains frequent depictions of realistic looking violence towards human-like characters. Humans are attacked by enemy characters with primarily traditional weapons such as spears, swords and axes. The reactions to the attacks are realistic with blood splatters being visible on the floor, and the characters stumbling back and falling over when taking damage. This game contains sustained depictions of death and injury towards human-like characters. The majority of the violence is towards demon-like enemies. Some of the enemies are humanoid in design. They flinch and make pained sounds when they are attacked, red blood is also shed upon impact of attacks. When they have been defeated, they fall to the floor and remain there for a short time before vanishing. This game also features depictions of gross violence towards fantasy characters. During one scene a large fantasy creature is dismembered, and parts of its body are sliced in two while the creature screams in pain. Strong blood and gore is visible in this scene.