This game is rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given due to scenes of extreme violence and strong language.
Set during the Hundred Years War an orphaned teenage girl and her younger brother must survive the horrors and plagues of rats as they are pursued by the Inquisition for the virus carried in the boy’s blood.
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
Beschikbaar op
PC (14/05/2019)
PlayStation 4 (14/05/2019)
Xbox One (14/05/2019)
PlayStation 5 (06/07/2021)
Xbox Series X|S (06/07/2021)
Focus Entertainment Publishing
Rating issues
Violence varies from strong to extreme with scenes of people being consumed alive by rats, leaving half-eaten corpses with their entrails scattered across the floor. Characters can be hit over the head with rocks, stabbed, shot with arrows and even impaled on swords and spears. Blood and gore effects are shown throughout including close up scenes of people who have been hung, tortured or burned alive at the stake.
Moderate swearing and strong language occur frequently and includes words such as ‘arsehole’, ‘bastard’, ‘bullshit’, ‘goddammit’, ‘piss’, ‘shit’ and the word ‘fuck’ and its derivatives.