Rating issues
This game features depictions of strong and realistic-looking violence towards human characters. This occurs predominantly during cutscenes in which characters can be heard screaming and crying in pain. For example, during one scene a character is seen running before being hit in the face with a blast of steam. The character shouts in pain and grabs their face as it appears to be blistering.
The game also contains strong gory images. Throughout the game, the player will arrive at locations in which injured and dead humans are shown. These are usually seen with bruises and blood over them. There are some bodies that have more graphic injuries, including a person whose head has been crushed with brain matter seen over the floor. Another body is seen to be dismembered with a large pool of blood surrounding them and their intestines hanging out.
Other issues
This game offers players the opportunity to purchase in-game items, in the form of a link that redirects players to the DLC’s store pages, which some parents or carers may want to be aware of. Parents, carers or other responsible adults should check to see what is being offered before making any purchase on behalf of a child. It should be noted that the game can still be played without the need to purchase such items.
The game also features depictions of nudity in non-sexual contexts. During gameplay the player may have to remove clothing from patients in order to treat them. This includes taking off bras, with female breasts and nipples seen.
There is use of bad language, including ‘shit’.
Medical drugs must be administered to patients. The player is tasked with inserting a needle into patients before selecting from a range of drugs which they can administer.
There are suicide references. At one point, the player is called to the scene of a woman who has tried to take her own life by jumping from a bridge. The aftermath of this is seen with the woman on the ground surrounded by blood. At no point does the player actually witness any suicide attempts.