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Attack of the Earthlings

This game has received a PEGI 16 because it features frequent scenes of bloody violence in an arcade setting. Not appropriate for persons below 16 years of age.
Attack of the Earthlings combines turn-based combat and stealth in a dark comedic single player campaign, where you take control of the native alien race to defend your home world from the invading humans.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (05/03/2019)
  • Uitgever

    Wales Interactive Ltd

Rating issues

The player’s characters are not armed with weapons but depend upon long bony appendages at the end of their many arms, which are used to stabbed at and kill the humans who are either soldiers or technicians. All humans are susceptible to being attacked, when this occurs there is a large amount of blood splatter as the claw like body parts strike their body, they quickly succumb and fall to the ground. The attack can continue after death and the player’s characters can harvest the body which provides them with bio mass, thus allowing them to create more aliens. This action is accompanied by large splatters of blood, once the body disappears there is a large red stain on the ground.

Other issues
