The game contains graphic bloody violence throughout including decapitation and horrific injuries.
Other issues
The game is set in a dystopian future which mimics the social mores of early 20th century America. As a result, the game narrative contains visual and verbal references of an arguably discriminatory nature which may cause some discomfort for some people. Visual and verbal references include words and terms such as gook, chink, paddy, negroes, coloured people, negress, yellow, injuns, orientals, and one period song in the game where the lyric contains the word “darkies”. However, it is clear in the narrative that these references are as a result of a totalitarian regime that rules the city and these references and behaviour are not condoned overall.
There are also occasional instances of swear words such as: shit, damn, hell, whore, ass, bastard, goddamn, Jesus, and bitch. The player has no control over what lines are spoken in specific instances.