Rating issues
This game contains depictions of strong, realistic-looking violence towards human-like characters. Several cut scenes feature characters being slashed and stabbed with swords, shot, and hit across the face. Physical reactions are realistic, and dark blood is shown in some scenes, but no wounds are depicted. Violence during gameplay is predominately non-realistic. Characters use both weapons and magic, resulting in minor flinching and flashing effects, with damage dealt by numbers. When their life bars are depleted, a character will fall to the floor and disintegrate into embers or remain to be looted and then fade away.
Other issues
This game offers players the opportunity to purchase in-game items in the form of virtual currency, cosmetics, character services (race change, gender change, appearance change), and a Battle Pass, which some parents or carers may want to be aware of. Some of these items are randomised in nature. Parents, carers, or other responsible adults should check to see what is being offered before making any purchase on behalf of a child. It should be noted that the game can still be played without the need to purchase such items.
While no nudity is shown, the character creation menu depicts human female characters; the player can choose their outfit or leave them in a bikini and then position them in mildly provocative postures.
This game also contains the use of bad language, including ‘bastard’ and ‘bloody’.
One cinematic depicts a scene where the bodies of multiple dogs and birds are littering a staircase. No graphic wounds are shown, but some players may find this disturbing.