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Bounce Rescue!

This game was rated PEGI 3 because it features occasional, very mild violence in a comical context.
An evil devil has landed on your planet with the intention of taking over the world. He will not get away with it as easily as he thought, for he has to take on the skilful Bounce Rescue! team, who will do anything to protect their lands. However, the Evil Devil manages to capture two members of the team and escape to Darkland. Outraged by this, the team goes on a mission to save their captured members from the Evil Devil.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (15/03/2016)
  • Uitgever

    Bitecore Ltd

Rating issues

The graphics and style of the game are very colourful and cheerful. The main characters are colourful blobs, just like a lot of the enemies. You can stomp enemies on their heads or whack them with a stick. When an enemy has been defeated, it’ll disappear. There are also boss battles featured in the game. Although the characters are bigger in size, the violence doesn’t differ much.

The multiplayer of the game has you battling against a human opponent. You both control a blob and need to defeat each other as many times as possible. This part of the game features pistols, guns and rockets. However, these depictions are still very comical and there is no reaction to the violence.

Other issues
