Rating issues
This game contains depictions of graphic violence towards fantasy characters. One cutscene shows a fantasy character impaled on a wooden spike as a large splash of blood is seen. During gameplay, when the player shoots at Charles, large sprays of blood appear on impact while quiet, grunting noises are heard occasionally. A health bar depletes at the top of the screen while this occurs. Similar violence is also seen towards human characters; blood is seen when humans are shot, while the characters are heard yelling in pain. When killed, humans fall to the ground, and their body remains there. As the game is played from a first-person perspective, a red glow appears around the edge of the screen when the player is hit. If the player is killed, the screen cuts to black with the word “DERAILED” written across it. The player is then able to respawn at their last save point unharmed.
This game also features intense horror sequences. While riding around, the player will often be spotted and approached by Charles, who will then chase them relentlessly with the intention of killing them. There is a sense of dread throughout this sequence. The environment has a dark and creepy atmosphere with eery music playing in the background and the trees often covered in bloody marks.