Rating issues
Violence in the game is mostly non-realistic in nature, with reactions to attacks being exaggerated and over-the-top. Attacks can send characters flying across the stages and bright flashes accompany some of the various kicks and punches.
Within the cutscenes, violence is much more realistic. There is one scene in which a character is punched repeatedly in the face until they eventually fall to the ground. This is shown in slow motion and each punch is shown to be impactful.
Other issues
The game also has a feature that allows the player to move the camera around their player after a fight. Many of the female characters are scantily clad and when defeated lie on the ground sweaty and panting. This feature lends an element of sexual innuendo to the game, but falls short of eroticism.
This game offers in-game items which may be purchased by the player using real-world money.