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Drakengard 3

Game contains strong bloody violence and the use of sexual expletives
Six goddess-like sisters known as “Intoners” have brought peace to the earth with their power to manipulate magic through song. Harmony is disrupted, however, when the eldest sister, Zero, attempts to murder her younger sisters with the help of her dragon companion, Mikhail.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

18ViolenceBad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • Playstation 3 (21/05/2014)
  • Uitgever

    Square Enix Ltd

Rating issues

The game features the use of bladed weapons,the worst of the violence is seen as a cinematic in which during a melee fight there are two instances in which the head of a character disappears in a torrent of blood; in later scenes a sword is thrust into the head of one character and into the eye of another. This is accompanied with lots of blood effects. There is also the occasional use of the sexual expletive ‘fuck’ and derivations of the word.

Other issues

Throughout the game there is the use of sexual innuendo and sexual descriptions.