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Dying Reborn

The game was rated PEGI 12 for the use of mild swearing and scenes of horror. Not appropriate for persons below 12 years of age.
DYING: Reborn is a dark, horror-themed puzzle game that creates a unique first-person room escape experience. Examine, collect and use items to solve a variety of creative puzzle types to escape a spooky room.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

12Bad LanguageHorror

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation Vita (10/01/2017)
  • Uitgever

    Oasis Games

Rating issues

Game is played in a 1st person virtual reality environment in a very dimly lit and dilapidated hotel in which the player’s character has to investigate/search rooms in order to acquire items to aid in his escape. As the character moves further into the hotel, a feeling of fear and dread of the unknown builds as grubby mannequins in various states of dismemberment or facial disfigurement are encountered. Likewise, there are human corpses shown in various positions of restraint. TV screens displaying heavy interference and a silhouetted figure provide verbal perplexing clues, those from a male are somewhat obtuse and proffer the words ‘bastard’ and ‘asshole’.

Other issues
