The game was rated PEGI 12 for frequent mild violence, the occasional use of mild swearing, sexual posturing and innuendo. Not appropriate for persons below 12 years of age.
Fairy Fencer F is reborn as Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force. Continue your adventure through three new story paths: The Goddess story, the Vile God story, and the Evil God story. Play as Fang and his gang as you face off against a new, evil organization, meet new fairies and fencers, and collect the furies scattered across the world.
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
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PlayStation 4 (24/06/2016)
Idea Factory International, Inc.
Rating issues
The game is mostly comprised of turn-based combat, in which the player and opposing enemy characters can only attack each other in a prescribed order. Most human characters use overly large swords which although fearsome looking can only inflict violence that is unrealistic. Each hit on a character, be it human or fantasy, is accompanied by a flash of light, once a character has been defeated it will disappear from view.
Combative gameplay is interspersed with on screen still images of the main characters engaging in a narrative that provides the ongoing storyline. During discourse between the characters the use of mild swearing and offensive language is seen and heard, and includes the use of ass, piss, crap, bastard, bitch, shit, and bastard.
There is also the use of sexual innuendo. For example during a bathing scene (no nudity) between two female characters and an instance between a male and female character in bed, again there is no nudity.