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This game has received a PEGI 16 because it features frequent scenes of realistic bloody violence. It is not suitable for persons under 16 years of age.
Adventure game set in a Norse medieval landscape where you battle soldiers and fantastical troll like beings. Gameplay is predominantly hack and slash type fighting against multiple enemies depicted from a distant perspective.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (29/11/2018)
    • PlayStation 4 (29/11/2018)
    • Nintendo Switch (29/11/2018)
  • Uitgever

    EuroVideo Medien GmbH

Rating issues

The game contains realistic looking violence towards human like characters. Although not depicted from close up, when characters are attacked there are blood splashes and they do respond physically as you would expect in real life to being hit with swords, axes and spears. Characters remain on the ground for a brief time when killed. Some of the more graphic sequences are shown in the cinematic sequences; which are typically two or three frames of still images. These include one where an enemy becomes dismembered – having thier legs cut off at the knees and also one where an enemy has their throat slit. Both contain stylised representations of blood spray.

Other issues

The game also contains use of the word ‘Bastard’ in an offensive manner.