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This game has been rated PEGI 16 for depictions of realistic looking violence towards human-like characters. Not suitable for persons under 16 years of age.
Set in a world engulfed by darkness, FINAL FANTASY XV MULTIPLAYER COMRDES casts players as a member of the Kingsglaive, with powers and unique abilities invoked from various Lucian kings, who join forces to bring the Light back to the kingdom of Lucis.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

16ViolenceIn-Game Purchases

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (13/12/2018)
    • Xbox One (13/12/2018)
  • Uitgever

    Square Enix Ltd

Rating issues

This game contains infrequent depictions of realistic looking violence towards human-like characters. The most pertinent examples of this can be found in the opening cutscene where multiple soldiers are shown fighting. Later in the same scene a solider is stabbed in the back and then tossed over a railing towards the ground. No visible wounds are shown, however the reaction to the violence is realistic in nature with the character falling limp after the impact.

Other issues

This game offers in-game items which may be purchased by the player using real-world money.