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Home Sweet Home

This game has received a PEGI 16 because it features moderate violence and use of strong language. Not appropriate for persons below 16 years of age
Home Sweet Home throws players into a dark and twisted labyrinth. Players assume the role of a man searching for his wife in a mysterious building. From a first-person perspective, explore rooms and hallways, collect items/tools, and evade menacing ghosts and ghouls.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

16ViolenceBad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (05/03/2019)
  • Uitgever

    Mastiff LLC

Rating issues

This game is viewed in the 1st person and therefore violence towards the player’s character is regarded as implied, however, there is one scene which shows an individual committing self-harm. There is also the use of the sexual expletive ‘fuck’.

Other issues

In one scene the player’s character observes an extremely tall naked bi-pedal fantasy character, with prominent human male genitalia, walk past.