Rating issues
Violence includes the beating to death of a classmate with your keyboard. While the actual blows are not shown, there are sustained scenes of the victim crying out and his bloodied and battered face.
Violence also includes a top-down view mini-game in which the player, armed with a hockey stick, runs through the rooms of a hospital, battering the staff and patients; some of whom are armed and will gun him down. While non-realistic, the game is arcade style in nature with moderate amounts of blood shown.
Sexual expletives and offensive language are used throughout the game and include the words ‘motherfucker’, ‘fuck’ and its derivatives and the words ‘bastard’, ‘bullshit’, ‘goddamn’, ‘merde’, ‘pissed’ and ‘shit’.
Other issues
There are multiple scenes of sexual innuendo, crude humour and references to drugs, and porn shown throughout the game however, no scenes of actual sex or drug use are depicted.