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This game has been rated PEGI 16 for depictions of realistic looking violence towards animal-like characters and encouragement of the use of alcohol and tobacco. Not suitable for persons under 16 years of age.
Northern Canada, 1970. A strange blizzard ravages Atamipek Lake. Step into the shoes of a detective to explore the eerie village, investigate surreal events, and battle the elements to survive.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (17/03/2017)
    • Stadia (01/08/2020)
  • Uitgever


Rating issues

This game features realistic depictions of violence towards animals. Wolves in this game can be killed with various weapons such as hatchets, crowbars and guns. The wolf whimpers when hit then falls to the floor. The body remains there after its death. This game also features encouragement of the use of both tobacco and alcohol. Cigarettes and alcohol are consumable items that can be used in the game to the character’s advantage. The player has various character needs to maintain, such as their health, temperature and stress. Smoking a cigarette and drinking alcohol lowers the health of the player but regains a normal stress level.