Rating issues
This game comprises music videos to which the player must sing in time with the events shown on screen. Occasionally the music artistes (female) who perform on the videos sing songs that contain sexual innuendo such as “Boys they like a little more booty to hold at night (That booty booty uh that booty booty).” repeated ad infinitum; whilst ensuring that the camera focuses on her buttocks; a scene in which a female singer is seen wearing a bra (shaped as hands) and tiny briefs, the vigorous dancing causes her large breasts to move uncontrollably, which are again the main focus of the camera.
Violence in the form of a contrived and set piece bar room brawl is seen in the video “We Are Young”, although it can be seen that the protagonists are not causing any obvious harm.
The lyrics of the song ‘Uptown Funk’ contains the word ‘bitch’ and ‘No Scrubs’ includes the use of the word ‘ass’.