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Madden NFL 19

This game has received a PEGI 3. Suitable for all ages.
Football game in which the player can participate in the full contact action of the sport utilizing NFL teams, rules and sanctions. The player can also customize their experience, utilizing game settings to adjust the length of play, difficulty, frequency of penalties and/or injuries, camera angles and more.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

3In-Game Purchases (Includes Random Items)

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (10/08/2018)
    • Xbox One (10/08/2018)
    • PC (10/08/2018)
  • Uitgever

    EA Swiss Sarl

Rating issues

There is a dramatic scene in which the protagonist of the story mode finds his coach unconscious in a chair. Later on, he receives a text message telling his the coach has died. The death is not depicted.

Players can purchase Madden Ultimate Team points with real money. These points can be used to purchase Ultimate Team packs, which contain random items.

Other issues

This game offers players the opportunity to purchase in-game items in the form of in-game currency, which some parents or carers may want to be aware of. Parents, carers or other responsible adults should check to see what is being offered before making any purchase on behalf of a child. It should be noted that the game can still be played without the need to purchase such items.