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My Night Job

This game was rated PEGI 12 for frequent mild violence. Not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.
Arcade game. You must defend a massive mansion infested with monsters, and rescue the people inside.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (21/04/2016)
  • Uitgever

    bitComposer Interactive GmbH

Rating issues

The majority of violence in the game is against fantasy characters: blue zombies with yellow eyes, robed imps, killer robots, skeletal dogs and so on. Most of the violence is non-realistic, but when you kill a zombie, a red wound will appear on their stomach, which – depending on the weapon used – can seem quite realistic. Human characters in the game include the protagonist and the people he rescues. When struck, they flash and numbers show damage along with a blocky blood effect. There is no physical reaction until they near the end of their health-bar, at which point they will shudder repetitively and finally fall down. Their bloody bodies will disappear after a short time on the ground.