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Mystery Murders: Jack the Ripper

Contains some drug use, mild violence and language
As the clairvoyant, Emma De Ville, you are troubled my strange dreams concerning a future murder in Whitechapel. Using a series of hidden objects and puzzle-solving you must discover who is going to commit this murder before it happens and inform the police


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • Nintendo 3DS (21/02/2013)
  • Uitgever

    Maximum Games Ltd

Rating issues

In order to calm her nerves, Emma is seen to drink some laudanum as a sleeping potion. This is not a powerful representation and certainly wouldn’t encourage anyone to try it!

Other issues

One sequence of violence is mildly portrayed in that the murder is depicted as a montage of stills comprising a bloody knife, a scream and big splash of blood on the screen. There is also some mild language.