This game contains the use of bad language including ‘bastard’.
Other issues
This game contains depictions of violence of a minor nature towards human-like characters that does not result in any obvious injury or harm. While driving around the map, there will be moments where the player character will be hit or knocked. When this happens, a comic-style word such as “WHACK” will pop up and a quick flash of light is seen before the character drops their collection of loot. No harm or injuries are ever seen, nor do the characters make any pain reactions.
This game also features depictions of nudity in a non-sexual context. There are large fantasy characters that appear with teddy-bear-esque heads but with human bodies which are wearing swimsuits (the male characters are topless) and bikinis.
There are some locations where gameplay takes place in spookier environments such as a cemetery. These locations may be scary to younger players.
In one of the stages of this game, a character calls upon her “gambler bird”. A slot machine is seen in the centre of this particular stage but at no point do any of the characters interact with this.