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Ninjin: Clash of Carrots

This game has received a PEGI 7 because it features non-realistic violence in a child-friendly setting or context and violence that lacks any apparent harm or injury to fantasy or mythical beings and creatures. Not suitable for persons under 7 years of age.
The Clash of Carrots is on! All the carrots are stolen from your village. Defeat the evil army that stole them and return them to your people.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (04/09/2018)
    • PlayStation 4 (04/09/2018)
    • Xbox One (04/09/2018)
    • Nintendo Switch (04/09/2018)
  • Uitgever

    Maximum Entertainment Ireland LTD

Rating issues

The overall atmosphere in this game is funny. This gives the violence a light-hearted feel to it. Things explode, enemies fly around, bosses have goofy end animation.
All the characters are fantasy characters. Most of them are robots (minions), which explode when their HP reaches 0. The other characters are all talking animals. These characters never really die. For example when you are defeated, you turn into a log, is if it was an illusion. All the other bosses are defeated and just never return.

Other issues

The game has a very bright colours pallet and a stylised 2d engine, making the look and feel very cartoonlike.