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Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty

This game was rated PEGI 12 for frequent scenes of moderate violence and mildly offensive language. It is not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.
Play as Abe in this remake of Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee. Abe has to save all 299 Mudokon slaves at Rupture farms by overcoming the obstacles, solving the puzzles, defeating the Sligs, and guiding the Mudokons to the bird portals dotted around the levels. The game ending varies depending on the number of Mudokons Abe manages to save.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

12ViolenceBad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (22/07/2014)
  • Uitgever

    Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc.

Rating issues

Violence is moderate in nature and consists of Abe and his companions falling into traps, or being shot dead by Sligs. In turn, Abe can possess Sligs and cause them to wander into traps or explode on the spot. Blood and meaty chunks are shown. Mild language includes the word ‘piss’ and is often spoken at random by the Slig guards.