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Plants vs. Zombies Heroes

This game has been rated PEGI-3 and is suitable for all ages.
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes is a collectible card game where users build a custom deck of exactly 40 cards to fight against Hero opponents. Users can play as either plants or zombies. The story is told via comic-styled story sequences which are revealed as the user progresses through the game.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies


  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (13/12/2016)
  • Uitgever

    EA Swiss Sarl

Rating issues

The main objective of this game is to defeat the opposing side Hero by reducing its health to 0. That is done via the cards played on the field. All violence in the game is very humorous and cartoon-like. If zombies or plants are defeated, they disappear in the ground and little stars appear. All violence is turn-based.