The game was rated PEGI 12 for non-realistic violence towards human characters, sexual innuendo / posturing and the use of offensive language. Not appropriate for persons below 12 years of age.
A rift in space and time opened a doorway to various universes, enabling heroes and villains from different worlds to cross paths. The heroes have to work together to stop evil from spreading into the world.
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
Beschikbaar op
Nintendo 3DS (19/02/2016)
Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe
Rating issues
The game features turn based battles in which all characters utilise a variety of weapons such as explosives, swords, chainsaws and firearms. In use none can cause realistic injury, the weapons are graded in respect of their effectiveness and consequently how quickly the ‘killer’ blow can be landed.
Female characters are all styled in the Manga format and in concert with the style of dress, can adopt sexually suggestive postures and engage in sexual innuendo in which topics of spanking and libido are discussed.
The game also contains the occasional use of the words ‘crap’, ‘ass’ and ‘screwed’