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Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm

This game has received a PEGI 12 because it features moderate violence and bad language. Not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.
DLC for the action game, Risk of Rain 2, in which players can choose between several survivors and must progress through a series of levels. The goal of each level is to kill alien enemies while locating a teleporter.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

12ViolenceBad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PC (31/07/2024)
    • Nintendo Switch (30/07/2024)
    • Xbox One (31/07/2024)
    • PlayStation 4 (31/07/2024)
    • PlayStation 5 (31/07/2024)
    • Xbox Series X|S (31/07/2024)
  • Uitgever

    Gearbox Publishing

Rating issues

This game contains moderate violence, which is generally non-realistic in nature. When human characters are attacked, flashes of light are shown, with damage indicated using numbers and an associated reduction in health. However, when alien characters are attacked, some blood effects may appear and, when defeated, their bodies may remain on the floor for some time, piling up until the end of the level.

The base game also includes the use of the word ‘sluts’.