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River City Super Sports Challenge ~All Stars Special~

The game was rated PEGI 12 for the occasional use of offensive language. Not suitable for persons below 12 years of age
High schools from far and wide assemble their students to complete against the mysterious Tobioka Conglomerate in the Super Sports Challenge


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

12Bad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • Playstation 3 (08/10/2015)
  • Uitgever

    H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.

Rating issues

This is a 2D platform game in which non-detailed characters are formed into teams and then compete in various races. However, during the course of a race characters can obtain inanimate objects and explosive devices which can be used to momentarily halt the progress, of other characters, in the race. The violence, regardless of how it is caused, is non-detailed and non-realistic looking, there are sound effects such as explosions. There are no visible signs of harm to other characters they just lose their position in the race, although if their health points reach zero they will disappear.

There is the occasional use of the words ‘badass’ and ‘badasses’.

Other issues

The game features online playing capability which may involve real-time interaction with other players.