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Syberia 3

This game has been rated PEGI 12 for depictions of non-realistic looking violence towards human-like characters and mild swearing and/or offensive language. Not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.
After abandoning the island, Kate is found dying on the edge of a river by the Youkole tribe, a nomadic people migrating with their snow ostriches. Stuck in Valsembor village, together they must find a way to continue their journey in a race against their enemies and unexpected obstacles.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

12ViolenceBad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • Nintendo Switch (28/08/2018)
  • Uitgever

    Microids SA

Rating issues

This game features infrequent depictions of non-realistic looking violence towards human characters. Kate is injected with a tranquiliser that causes her to feel dizzy and faint. She is also hit by a large wave when aboard a ship, the screen cuts to black and she awakes with no visible injuries. The game also features some mild swearing and/or offensive language. The word “bastard” is often used, and the phrase “God damn” can be heard in conversation.

Other issues

There are various scenes showing characters drinking alcohol in the background and during cutscenes. There are characters who are shown to be drunk, primarily the ship’s captain, and also a group of people huddled outside a bar after closing. All stumble around and slur their speech. The player character is never shown drinking.