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The Jackbox Party Pack 2

This game was rated PEGI 12 for frequent use of mild language. It is not suitable for persons under 12 years of age.
5 games in one:
Fibbage 2.0 – More Fibbage! Lie to your friends, avoid their lies, and spot the truth.
Quiplash XL – The laugh-a-minute battle of wits and wittiness in its HUGEST form! Come up with “the best name to give an ugly baby” and win!
Bomb Corp – Welcome to Bomb Corp. Interns of your kind must help defuse bombs in our office. It’s a weird office full of bombs. Just hit start.
Bidiots – Outbid your opponents for absurd art – drawn by the players themselves – and win this strangely competitive auction game. Don’t be a bidiot!
Earwax – Cow moo? Huge explosion? Or tiny fart? Which to choose? It’s the sound effects game that will leave you up to your ears in laughter!


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

12Bad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • Xbox One (27/10/2015)
  • Uitgever

    Jackbox Games Inc

Rating issues

Mild language includes words such as ‘jackass’ are commonly heard in the game host’s dialogue and trivia questions.

Other issues

The game features online playing capability through the use of tablets, smartphones or laptops which may involve real-time interaction with other players and user generated content.