Trapped on a damaged starship, the player must use robots to discover the fate of the crew.
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
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Nintendo 3DS (25/04/2013)
LEVEL-5 International America, Inc.
Rating issues
The game features the use of a remotely controlled ‘assist robot’, not human-like in appearance, to investigate and find the spaceship’s crew. The game is played throughout in the first person view through the robot, which is required to locate and acquire crew ID cards and then access the various systems in the spaceship. During the course of the search the robot has to disable another ‘assist robot’. This is accomplished by throwing hot oil over the robot, causing it to malfunction. Although the oil, according to the story, is hot this is not apparent when the cut scene is played out. The robot shakes in a comic like fashion with accompanying electrical buzzing noises when covered in the oil and then ceases to work. The use of oil in this instance would not create the end result as shown and therefore the violence depicted is regarded as not realistic.
Other issues
Occasional images of a young female human character, ghost like in appearance, dressed in a bonnet and summer dress which is almost surreal considering that this is all taking place on a space ship. In addition the ship also has some alien prisoners that have escaped. Only one of these characters is seen throughout the game and can best be described as a drooling ‘Predator’ type character. There is no interaction with the alien as it is apparently suffering from oxygen deprivation and falls to the floor.