Rating issues
The game includes frequent use of sexual expletives, mild swearing and offensive language throughout the game, including the words ‘cunt’, ‘fuck/er/in/ing’, ‘motherfucker’, ‘assholes’, ‘bull/horse/shit’, ‘douchebags’, ‘goddamnit’, ‘pissed’, ‘prick/s’, ‘shit/er/ting’ and ‘whore’.
Other issues
Drinking and smoking are mentioned several times throughout the stories, but, while some characters are depicted holding lit cigars or with an unlit pipe to their lips, there is no animation of the acts taking place.
Sex is mentioned often, either in the form of how a vampire chooses to ‘embrace’ their victim, or in the players mistaken belief that one of the vampires is a sex-cam worker. However, there are no graphic descriptions of sexual acts, nor are there any sexual images.
Violence is described throughout the game, sometimes in detail, but the acts themselves are never shown. Some scenes include images that show the aftermath of a violent act, for example simple bite marks on flesh, others being the more horrific such as a pair of dismembered legs and a bloodied sword.